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House of France

Balboa Park 2125 Park Blvd SAN DIEGO CA 92101 (619) 234 0739 www.houseoffrance.org

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French flag waving

About us...

The House of France endeavors to maintain and enhance the spirit of understanding, tolerance and goodwill, among its members and with the national entities residing in the city and county of San Diego, by representing the history, traditions and culture of France to schools, cultural groups and private individuals, thanks to its installation in a cottage provided by the city of San Diego under the auspices of the House of Pacific Relations, International cottages, Inc.

The HPR, founded in 1935, consists today of 32 national groups housed in small cottages in Balboa Park.

The House of France gives out flyers and maps.


House of France board 2012

With the new year comes a new board:

President: André B., president@houseoffrance.org

Vice-President/Webmaster: Mila C., webmaster@houseoffrance.org

Recording/Corresponding Secretary: Marion L., secretary@houseoffrance.org

Hostess Chair/Membership Secretary: Catherine B.-I., hostess@houseoffrance.org and Isabelle F., membership@houseoffrance.org

Treasurer: Harry T., treasurer@houseoffrance.org

The board meets regulary at the House of France to organize annual events, such as Ethnic Food Fair, Lawn Program or December Nights.


House of France Queen and Princesses

The House of France Queen is chosen to represent France, namely at the Officers' installation dinner in January each year. The House of France Queen and Princesses are part of the House of Pacific Relationships (HPR) Queens Organization which hosts an annual Coronation in November.


HPR Queens Coronation 2011

HPR Queens Coronation 2011

Vous êtes les bienvenus au Cottage français!
You are welcome at the House of France!