Hi, everyone!

Some latest news from us...

Tchestita baba Martha!!!

We are getting ready for Anna's and Nicolas' birthdays in March and April. He got a yet new
addition to his train set a week ago and she got her very first
cell phone today!

Nicolas won 3rd place in the Rain gut regatta and is excitedly looking forward to the pine wood
derby in a week with the boys scouts.

Mom Mila is readapting to the joys (and stresses) of the student life and daddy... to these of the life
in a cubicle and the lunch box!

We are planning on spending our holidays in France and Bulgaria this summer 2010.

Please, have a look at
the About us page and feel free to contact us.

Again, welcome to our site and...
Enjoy your visit!

The CRIDLIG's five
� 2007 Mila CRIDLIG